Discussion help for healthcare professionals
FinnHELP offers healthcare professionals short-term counseling with a low threshold.
The conversation is appreciative and respectful of the customer's own resources and choices.
FinnHELP counselors are health or social care professionals with experience in providing acute counseling.
It is not a psychotherapy or healthcare service.
The FinnHELP discussion help was established by FinnEM Ry to support health and safety professionals in the spring of 2020 due to the mental pressure caused by the coronavirus on healthcare personnel. With the help of FinnEM Ry's extensive network, the service was found immediately and has been received with open arms by healthcare professionals. The feedback on the service has been extremely good and the conversation help has been felt to be necessary and supportive of working.
FinnHELP helpers are health or social care professionals with experience in providing first-line conversational help. Psychotherapist and work supervisor Sari Ridell is responsible for the recruitment, training and work supervision of the helpers.
The need for mental support in the social security sector has been undeniably established, e.g. Occupational health institution "How are you?" in occupational well-being research, in which it was stated that the effect of emotional support in the social security and municipal sector, e.g. for being able to work and preventing absenteeism and sick leave.
Our purpose is to expand and make it a national service that is active in all welfare areas.
Welcome to follow our journey on our social media channels.
You can familiarize yourself with FinnHELP's journey in the videos and articles below.

In stressful work situations, certain themes and phenomena emerge and affect the coping skills and well-being of healthcare professionals.
FinnHELP counseling is low-threshold and solution-oriented counseling that helps to maintain the working ability of healthcare professionals.
- Professional, low-threshold, solution-oriented discussion help helps maintain the working ability of social and health professionals in stressful jobs.
- Individual and timely support for employees helps to ease the pressure on health and safety management, supervisors and HR.
- Short-term and easily accessible discussion help can reduce, for example, conflicts within the work community, as well as the need for sick leave and occupational health care's overloaded psychological services and long-term work guidance.
- Supporting employees supports the atmosphere and reputation of the working community.
FinnHELP helpers guide the employee forward to get additional help if necessary.
Low-threshold discussion help can also bring resources and new perspectives to seeking other help and support.

Job supervisor, Paramedic
Why did you apply to be a FinnHELP helper?
I have the desire and passion to be involved in helping health and safety professionals do well in their work and in other areas of life.
I feel that I have something to offer as a helper with my own experience in acute care work, occupational health care and as a work supervisor.
Why do you think FinnHELP is an important service for healthcare professionals?
Sote professionals deal with big issues every day with people who are ill or need help. Professionals are also people who experience all emotions. Sometimes the load can be caused by a pressurized or stressful situation, sometimes by something else that is reflected in your own history or current life situation.
I think it is important that social security professionals have sufficiently versatile forms of support in their work and low-threshold services that they can use when needed. Such forms of support and services increase the ability to work and improve the quality of life of the helper.
I hope that applying for and getting help would be easy and self-evident.
What message would you like to convey to all healthcare professionals today?
You have to take care of yourself first so you can take care of others.
Asking for help is not weakness. It is strength and the ability to recognize and acknowledge one's own limitations.
First aid lecturer
Why did you apply to be a FinnHELP helper?
I have personally experienced the burden of first aid work, needed and received help to cope at work. I hope that I could make it a little easier for those who follow that path.
Why do you think FinnHELP is an important service for healthcare professionals?
Helpers also get tired, and I think it is important to support them in coping with work. There may be knots in the work that need support to open.
What message would you like to convey to all healthcare professionals today?
The work you do deserves appreciation. A helper is a person as well as a helper, it's okay to accept help.

Psychotherapy student, nurse AMK, certified TRE instructor, youth work instructor of the Lutheran Church of Finland
Why did you apply to be a FinnHELP helper?
I applied to be a FinnHELP helper because I want to do my part to support the coping and well-being of those working on the front line. It is important that the helpers themselves also get the psychological help and support they need at a low threshold as easily and quickly as possible.
Why do you think FinnHELP is an important service for healthcare professionals?
FinnHelp is an important service for health and social care professionals who often find themselves in psychologically stressful situations in their work with people in need of help and who themselves are humane people with feelings in the middle of their own individual life stories. They don't always have the opportunity or time to stop after difficult situations encountered at work to go through their thoughts and feelings, and sometimes their own reactions only come with a delay. And it's not always easy to discuss things on your mind in your work community. It can be easier to first discuss your thoughts of worry with an outsider, and thus unload your psychological load lighter and perhaps get new perspectives on the things on your mind. FinnHELP offers conversation help at a low threshold, quickly and effortlessly, so that no one has to deal with mind-numbing issues alone.
What message would you like to convey to all healthcare professionals today?
Sote professionals: you do really valuable and important work for the well-being of other people. In order to be able to live your own unique life in addition to your demanding work, it is important that you also take care of your overall well-being – physical, social, spiritual, intellectual and emotional well-being. And remember, no one has to deal with life's challenges alone. That's why the helpers of those who help us are also employed. We are for you – people for people. Let's take care of each other.
Psychiatry and emergency care specialist nurse
Why did you apply to be a FinnHELP helper?
I listen to the things behind the story. It is more humane to get stuck in a knot with challenges or to find yourself forgotten within it due to the absorption of work. When feeling ashamed, it is difficult to find suitable solutions. From my own experience, I know that when you share something, the sadness is halved and the joy is doubled. The content of the nursing profession can best be understood by someone else who has done the same job. Sharing the experience strengthens your skills when you get support for your experiences and sometimes a bit of a challenge as well.
Why do you think FinnHELP is an important service for healthcare professionals?
FinnHELP is happy to listen as a safe conversational helper, rather even if it is unnecessary than unnecessarily late. A well-maintained tool offers certainty for the implementation of creative solutions. In those changing conditions, where people's well-being and functional abilities are weakened by diseases are being worked on with knowledge, skill, and great experience.


Sari Ridell
Conversational assistance specialist
Helpers' trainer and work supervisor
Solution-oriented psychotherapist (ET)

Eeva Tuunainen
Project manager
Research manager
FinnEM Ry chairman
Acute Medicine Specialty Doctor, M.D.

Inka Häkkinen
Nurse, KymSote
FinnHELP expert
Queen Silvia Nursing Awards 2020 winner

Finnhelp education
Our mission is to help people get ahead and build a better working life for social and health care professionals. We believe that a thriving professional provides safe and humane encounters for patients. Our training is aimed at all social and health care professionals from doctors to nurses.
Our trainers have a diverse background of work and education, which is woven together around the term Safe. Our training is tailored to the needs of the target group, guided by the idea of safety. Safety includes psychological, physical and patient safety, and all these themes go hand in hand! Our trainings offer perspectives and practical tools to help you and your work community feel safe and well, whether your needs are to cope with threats and violence at work or to strengthen your sense of safety in your body and in your work community.
Get to know our trainers and contact us! Our training can be tailored to your needs and delivered face-to-face or remotely (lectures, workshops, simulation and practical exercises). There is no cost to contact us. Let's see together how we can help you!
Contact: petri@finnem.fi & auri@finnem.fi




Who am I?
I'm Minna Halinen, a long-standing emergency physician. I am also a patient safety expert and I am passionate about education and trauma.
I am familiar with occupational well-being, training and psychological safety and their importance for patient safety in the emergency room. I also researched the patient safety of shared emergency rooms.
After learning the hard way to take care of my own endurance, today I enjoy sleeping, going outside and gym, listening to audiobooks and stopping.
How did you end up as a Finnhelp trainer?
Work supervisor Auri interviewed me about my own experiences related to severe exhaustion in stressful emergency work. Our thoughts and interests seemed to be similar, and that's probably why the rest of the FinnHelp team asked me to join the workplace well-being workshop at the FinnEm congress in 2024. With the same enthusiasm, we also started to run training sessions elsewhere and I joined the team - when I came home.
What do you bring to the Finnhelp team?
I bring a doctor's perspective as well as a patient safety perspective. In the future, I hope to also bring more knowledge about stress management and its importance for wellbeing at work.
Greetings to health and safety professionals
Speaking up about emotions and coping and seeking help is critical to caring for our patients well. It is the hero who speaks up and asks for help, not the one who always can.
Who am I?
I'm Auri Korhonen, a supervisor with a paramedic background who has been gathering expertise and knowledge on supporting well-being at work for several years. My interest started from my own experience of feeling unwell, recovering from it and learning new approaches. This interest and enthusiasm has continued to the present day, and most recently in the form of studies in social services management and development. I have done work coaching especially for social welfare staff and am familiar with the phenomena in this field. I work as a nurse and health and safety representative at Helt, where I have been able to expand my knowledge and understanding of well-being at work, regardless of the sector.
In my free time, I enjoy seasonal sports 🏂🏊🚴♀️ and all year round I play with a great amateur football team. However, most of my free time is spent with my 3 year old and my spouse doing everyday activities.
As a person, I am open, happy and easily inspired. However, my enthusiasm is not usually short-lived, as I also have perseverance and persistence.
How did you end up as a Finnhelp trainer?
A couple of years ago, I applied to join the Finnem board. My own interest and expertise in well-being at work for social and health care professionals led me to join the Finnem conference workshop on well-being at work, then to become a Finnhelp facilitator and later to join a great team of designers, implementers and trainers.
What do you bring to the Finnhelp team?
In addition to my own experience and expertise, I am good at grasping the big picture, organising and getting things done. I am good at listening and picking up the essentials from what I hear. I am good at guiding people to find solutions and insights on their own. These are the strengths I bring to the Finnhelp team and as a helper to those I help. As a trainer, I am participative and conversational.
Greetings to health and safety professionals
Wellbeing at work has gone leaps and bounds and for the better! There is still a lot to be done and we can all contribute to it. Although well-being at work is a team effort, our own well-being is the foundation of everything. It is not a stable thing, it is constantly changing. Take care of yourself and don't hesitate to ask for help!
Who am I?
Hello! I'm Petri Aspegren, a lecturer in emergency medicine from Oulu and a father of two! I am a paramedic by education, Master of Health Sciences and I did my Pro Grad as a qualitative research on paramedics' experiences of well-being at work. I have also been trained as a facilitator for divorce seminars and have been running peer support groups for divorcees for a few years. I also work as a shop steward at Oamk and this has given me the opportunity to immerse myself in our organisation. Currently, I spend part of my time working as a project expert in the Man, Child and Parenthood project. In my free time, I mainly enjoy the gym and nature.
How did you end up as a Finnhelp trainer?
I don't even remember exactly how I ended up as a helper, I think it was in 2021 that Sari Ridell guided and introduced me to the activities and solution-focused approach to helping people. I joined FinnEM in 2020 and since then I have been committed to the values of the organisation and our president Eeva Tuunainen has always offered new opportunities!
What do you bring to the Finnhelp team?
I bring ideas and innovation to the team, I am quick to invent and do. I also bring perspectives from the world of work and organizational psychology, for example, and leadership and workplace wellbeing are phenomena that I like to study! I also try to bring praise and compliments, there is room for them in this world.
Greetings to health and safety professionals
Working life and well-being is everyone's responsibility, everyone tries to bring their own small part of good to the health and social care, which needs solutions and development, especially in terms of the ability to retain employees! I will conclude my introduction with the statement of psychiatrist Carl Jung: "I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become".
Who am I?
I am Arto Kirves from Salo. I work as a training manager at Axe Security Finland and my police work is done at the Southwest Finland Police Department, where my job description also includes training employees in addition to field and alarm operations.
Last year, I was honored to be included in the media news' top 100 health influencers and specifically as a daily healer.
I am blessed with two sons as offspring.
In my free time I like to torture myself at the gym/at the tatami.
I also have a passion for garden flowers and keeping my own lettuce/tomatoes/plants alive.
How did you end up as a Finnhelp trainer?
At the beginning of the year, I was contacted by Eeva Tuunainen, President of Finnem Association, about this issue and specifically safer everyday life for workers was the theme I would be addressing in this project.
I have been involved in Finnem Ry's activities since 2019 and since then the cooperation on this important topic has always continued and now it became topical.
What do you bring to the Finnhelp team?
An understanding for the individual employee of the functions of their own body and mind when a threat situation is looming over them.
An understanding of natural reactions in an unnatural situation.
In addition, I help with plain language in legal jargon that is sometimes over-interpreted and difficult to understand.
Greetings to health and safety professionals
In addition to good patient care, always remember your own value and take care of yourself and your colleagues in a fair and especially visible way.
Hiding/ignoring difficult issues serves no one.
In a tight spot, remember the saying:
"It takes courage to be scared to death and still keep saddling the horse".
Finnhelp offers a free webinar series where our trainers provide a short introduction to the theme of the day. After the introduction, the participants are divided into small groups, where confidential discussions take place and experiences are shared among peers. Small groups are guided by finnhelp's experts.
The meetings are carried out on the Teams platform and all first and acute care professionals are welcome (nurse, doctor, supervisor, student, etc.).
The webinars take place on the last Sunday of the month, always at the same time. The topic of the next FinnHELP webinar is the work community and emotions. Lecturer Auri Korhonen.
Join the lines on 26.5. at 18-20. The themes and trainers of the following webinars will be announced later. Registration for the webinar: https://forms.office.com/e/QCuxwqi6Du and inquiries: petri@finnem.fi.